Technology, Rebound Effects and SDGs
With David Font Vivanco The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework lacks a systems approach by addressing specific goals as...
Technology, Rebound Effects and SDGs
Where is it fair to add pollution? Our work published in PNAS
Our Recent Paper on Food Waste in The Sharing Economy
Environmental Inequality and Allocation Preferences
Resource efficiency and climate change
Bottled Water vs. Water Fountains: Environmental Impacts
What really shapes smartphone obsolescence?
Will the Phone in Your Pocket Really Self-Destruct in Two Years?
Does the Circular Economy Grow the Pie?
Who wants my half eaten sandwich?
Smartphones Second-Hand Value: eBay Evidence
How Global is my Local Milk?
Consumer Perceptions: Environmental Win-Wins
Environmental Impacts of Animal Based Foods in The US
Perceived vs. functional obsolescence